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  考研帮根据张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康等模卷英二大作文进行统计分析,列出名师所押最高频 Top4 作文主题,并围绕这些主题为大家分享相关观点论述及作文范文。


 TOP 1 教育专题(留学、大学生心理、就业、在线教育)

 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康 述观点称述 1、留学问题

  With the rapid development of economy, an increasing number(越来越多)

 of families could afford, to some extent, the once-deemed-expensive(曾经昂贵)

 overseas education, which boasts independent living experiences as well as a wider vision.


 The opening up policy has provided people with more chances to receive their education abroad.


 The increasing financial ability,coupled with the desire for a better education, will motivate more people to realize their dreams of studying abroad.



  The fact cannot be ignored that college students have to face an increasingly intense competition in the job market, which brings about anxiety about their future.



  Graduates should know what kinds of position would be good fits for them, instead of blindly longing for so-called lucrative jobs.


 There should be career services in colleges to guide students through the internship and job-hunting process.


 I am one of many young Chinese graduates who have been caught in(投身于,陷于)

 the civil service mania, hoping that my toil in taking the exams will land me a stable career with a decent income and a respectful status. For me, the civil service paints a prosperous future; it would mean a change of fate.



 China is enjoying sound and sustained economic and social development, which offers a better environment to those who want to bring their talent into full play(施展才华).



  In addition, we have come to embrace E-learning, especially among the generations after 80s and 90s, who are accustomed to(习惯于)

 e-payment and have become the most important consumer group.

 另外,人们已经逐渐乐于接受网络化学习,尤其是当今的 80 后和 90 后,他们习惯了电子支付方式,已经成为最主要的消费群体。


  I can think of no better illustration for the point than my practicum in a poverty-stricken area when I was still a sophomore. At the very beginning, I did not like taste of cabbages and steamed buns, because I grew up in a bottle of honey(在蜜罐中长大). But a few weeks later, I learnt the art of …… . The important thing is that I went through the hard times and I can re-start my life with a new outlook on life.


 热高分热文 中国学生及美国学生经济独立性的对比

 Financial sources of Chinese college Students are quite different from those of American students. In China, students get 90% of their money from their parents while in America, only 50% of students" money is provided by parents. In addition, Chinese students earn only 5% of their money from part time jobs and 5% from fellowship or scholarship while income from these two resources for American students takes up(占)

 35% and 15% respectively of their total income.

 I think there are probably three reasons for their differences. First, because of the influence of different social and family values, Chinese students have formed the habit of asking for money from their parents while American students have developed more sense of being financially independent. Second, most Chinese parents devote too much care to their children and they would rather save up to afford their children"s education rather than encourage them to take part-time jobs.

 But in America, many parents pay more attention to developing the students" ability of self-reliance(自立), so they encourage their children to find part-time jobs to earn some money by themselves. Third, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easy for students to find part-time jobs. In China, such opportunities are rather rare.

 I believe with the development of China, more and more Chinese students will realize and pay more attention to the necessity of self-dependence(独立). In addition, more and more opportunities will be provided for them to take part-time jobs. So, more students will go out of the ivory tower(象牙塔)

 to broaden their knowledge and to become the master of their own lives. 译精彩翻译

  中国大学生的经济来源和美国大学生的经济来源迥然不同。在中国,学生花费的 90%来自父母;但是在美国,只有一半的花费由家里提供。除此之外,中国学生的花费中,仅5%来自兼职,5%来自学术奖金或奖学金;然而美国学生通过这两种办法获得的收入分别占了总收入的 35%和 15%。




 Top 2 网络科技专题(网购、网络欺诈、电子支付、阅读)

 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康 述观点称述 1、网购、移动网购规模、网民比例、网购满意度

  The appeal of mobile shopping will continue to draw new users and generate even higher volume in the future, but a less daunting rate(惊人的速度) as market becomes mature.


 According to a recent Internet questionnaire, the overwhelming majority (大多数)

 of the respondents see net purchases as a blessing since they compared to traditional retail consumption patterns, are cheaper and more convenient.


 Online shopping, for instance, has become a part of many young people"s life. Older people, on the other hand, may not be familiar with or even have doubts about these uses of Internet.


 To begin with, laws and regulations need to be carried out more strictly to punish those who sell fake and low quality commodities. Furthermore, consumers need to enhance their own sense of(加强意识)

 self-protection against online frauds. Last but not least, platforms and online stores are supposed to deal with the after-sale disputes in time with a responsible attitude.



  Considering the fact that more merchants begin to support mobile payment methods, such as We-chat and Apple Pay, and students will have more money at their disposal as the living standard is being raised in China, it is safe to predict that college students will also be more inclined to(倾向于)

 make payment using phones.

 鉴于越来越多的商户开始支持手机支付,如微信和 Apple Pay,也鉴于中国的生活水平持续提升,学生手头会有更多的钱,可以安全做出如下预测:将来大学生会倾向于手机支付。


  Furthermore, people become increasingly aware of(越来越意识到)

 the importance of getting well-informed about the outside world in the ever-accelerating era(日新月异的时代)

 and phone reading provides them with a good channel to broaden their horizons.


 热高分热文 近年来中国网民数量的变化

 It is clear, demonstrated in the chart above, that some changes have taken place in the number of the netizens(网民,新生词汇哦)

 in China in recent years. Based upon the statistics provided by the chart, one can see that the number of the netizens in the city has been on an ascending trend(上升趋势)

 all the time. In the year of 2012, the number was merely 50 million, while within no more than several years, it went sharply up to 300 million in 2015. Meanwhile, the rural area has also witnessed a steady increase(稳定增长), reaching 115 million in 2015.

 It is of sensible for me to put forward some contributing factors to account for this situation. At the top of the list, with the pace of life speeding up, the Internet has become increasingly indispensable(必不可少)

 in our daily life. According to a reliable report, some youngsters might even spend more than 8 hours in surfing(上网)

 a day. In addition, we must admit that Internet, as a highly efficient means of communication, shortens the distance between people. Finally, the fact cannot be ignored that the Internet will help us keep up with the latest information wherever we are.

 From the discussion mentioned above, we can safely come to the conclusion that this phenomenon is positive and therefore beneficial. And it is sure that this established trend is bound to(必定)

 continue in the years to come. 译精彩翻译

  上述图表清晰地表明了近年来中国网民数量的变化。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,城市网民的数量一直在快速上升,2012 年这一数字仅仅是 5 千万,然而短短几年,到 2015 年就急剧攀升到 3 亿。与此同时,农村地区也见证了稳...

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